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Now the countries of Europe was the fear that so dalam.Serangan militants are increasingly prevalent in recent European hit Western countries proved unable to prevent the war against terrorism. 

Terrorism is a word that is in use at that time united to bombard Iraq and Afghanistan. Hundreds of lives were lost, hundreds of children who can not continue to play in the world.

Talk the real terrorist is American and israel. Where menyeranh arrogant american with all countries that are not in line with their interests. Now, the west became aanf next war. After the murder of a Catholic priest in a church in Normandy, France last week, President Francois Hollande said he would reply to the ISIS attacks. 

Last week about a hundred civilians were killed in Manbij, Syria, as a result of the Western coalition attack. Vengeance isis not in the middle east. They will target western countries either English, French, Belgian and Dutch. 

When terrorists attack, the West responded with air strikes. Victims are still falling in the Middle East. Civilians, including children, were killed in an air strike pathetic both rebel groups or government forces and coalition countries.

The war in the near future will occur in Europe

Quoted from the column on the website journalist Joe Gill Middle East Eye, , the vicious circle of violence has lasted almost 40 years. Long before militants launched an attack against Europe, the West and the United States is funding and arming of what is now the world calls terrorists. 

They supplied weapons to use against Russia and other enemies. After the war raging in the West Asia and North Africa, now the war was returned to his homeland, the West Country. Russia, which is still considered a mortal enemy has issued tajinya. In the near future Russia will return annexed the tiny former Soviet Union countries first. 

Starting from Peninsula crimea and georgia. Russia will block also the American force in the South China Sea. Chinese who lost in the international court if they do not accept to submit the south china sea for granted. China is aware that the Americans intervened. So China invites Russia to train war in the South China Sea.

When the communists seized control of Kabul in 1978, American began supplying weapons to the Islamic militant group in Afghanistan. When Russia attacked a year later, the supply of weapons and funding from the United States flow to militants who now for terrorists, including the rebel group that is now undermining the Middle East. American educate the Taliban in order to destroy Russia. Now the Taliban also destroyed. American and western countries make isis to destroy Russia and syria. Now isis was destroyed.

In Bosnia and Kosovo, Western countries funding and supplying arms to the same party. Those we now call Al Qaeda. In 1993, terrorists tried to blow up the World Trade Center. They failed but they did not surrender. Now the war will continue to rage in Europe. War in Libya will spread to Italy. Turkey with erdogannya would not submit to America.

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