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Indonesia wake largest military base in the world

Targetted, in 2017 the construction of four military bases in the outer island of indonesia will be completed. Infrastucture construction include the base of the army, Navy and air force. Specifically for the Navy and get a bigger portion. 

And deplopment in Natuna area anda masella. The construction of military bases on the island of Natuna is very important as part of the development of the region's defense centrak part of indonesia that faced with several countries.

Espesially with the multiple conflicts with china and the concerns that in 2025 the war will move to Asia Pasifik. Indonesia then really going to make the base of the strongest and most expensive in the world. Not to mention the issue of US plans to shift 60 percent of its military forces to the asia pasifik region by 2020, bringing major implications for the region including indonesia.

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